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sakura haruno istoria
Date: კვირა, 2011-03-13, 9:53 PM | Message # 1


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საკურა ჰარუნო (იაპონ. 春野 サクラ) ანიმესა და მანგას სერიალ ნარუტოს გმირი. ასევე არის კისიმოტო მასის მანგაკას გმირი, უზუმაკი ნარუტოს გუნდის წევრი.

„ჰარუნო“ აღნიშნავს „შემოდგომის მდელოს“, ხოლო სახელი „საკურა“ — იაპონული ბალი, იაპონიაში ცნობილი თავისი სილამაზით და მოკლე ცხოვრებით. ბალის ყვავილები ასევე ასოცირდებოდა სამურაიებთან.

ცოტათი მორიდებული, იტანჯება თავისი ულამაზობის გამო. სერიების დასაწყისში საკურა ხდება გენინი.At the start of the series, Sakura has a deep infatuation for Sasuke Uchiha. Because of this, many of Sakura's earlier appearances are dedicated to her continuing effort to win his affection.[15] As the story progresses and she spends more time with Sasuke, Sakura develops a concern that he will someday abandon her and the rest of Konohagakure in his quest for power.[16] When her fears come true at the end of Part I, Sakura makes an attempt to stop Sasuke from leaving her, professing her love for him and even offering to join him. Though thankful for her words, they do not stop Sasuke from defecting from Konoha.[17] Since then, Sakura has made it her personal goal to bring Sasuke home, which becomes a recurring component of her role in Part II.[18] Although she still worries about his well-being[19] and does not allow others to insult Sasuke,[20] Sakura is willing to attack him if it means returning him to Konoha.[21]

Sakura's relationship with Naruto Uzumaki, like with Sasuke, also changes throughout the series. When first teamed up together, Sakura viewed Naruto as a talentless idiot who deliberately tried to ruin her life.[15] As the story progresses and Naruto continually shows his worth as a ninja as well as his dedication to his teammates, Sakura realized that her initial perceptions of him were wrong.[22] After Sasuke defects from Konoha at the end of Part I, Sakura pleads for Naruto to bring him back, which Naruto promises he will do.[23] When Naruto fails and is hospitalized, yet vows to fulfill his promise anyway, Sakura realizes that she has only cried and depended on Naruto and never done anything on her own. As a result, she spends the two-and-a-half years dividing Part I and II training so that she can help him during his next attempt.[18] As they search for Sasuke during Part II, Sakura learns of the various hardships Naruto faces: the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and Akatsuki.[24] Saddened by the impact both forces have had on his life, Sakura becomes protective of Naruto and tries to do whatever she can to help him overcome these obstacles.[25]

Within Sakura resides "Inner Sakura," a manifestation of her inner emotions. In addition to comic relief, Inner Sakura represents Sakura's actual opinion on things when she outwardly displays something opposite.[15] Inner Sakura's appearances are typically marked by an exclamation of "Shānnarō" (しゃーんなろー?). The phrase has no literal meaning but is usually translated as "hell yeah," "hell no," or "damn it" depending on the situation. Viz media replaces it with the word "Cha!" in the English versions of Naruto. Although she appears quite frequently at the start of the series, Inner Sakura all but disappears midway through Part I, her only other appearance being at the start of Part II.[26] Sakura, likewise, now performs the emotional outbursts she once relied on Inner Sakura for, much to the dismay of those who are around her at the time.[27]Sakura Haruno (春野 サクラ Haruno Sakura?) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. Sakura has become the series' female lead, although she was not immediately intended for the role. Kishimoto has had difficulty in drawing her, resulting in Kishimoto inadvertently emphasizing certain parts of her appearance, including her large forehead.[3][4]

In the anime and manga, Sakura is a kunoichi affiliated with the village of Konohagakure, and part of Team 7, which consists of herself, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and their sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Sakura initially has an infatuation for Sasuke, praising him at every juncture, and heaping scorn upon the less skilled Naruto. Over the course of the series, she begins to shed this singularly driven persona, and grows more appreciative and accepting of Naruto; in Part II, she begins to develop a closer bond with him as they both share in their goal to bring their departed teammate Sasuke back. Sakura has appeared in several pieces of Naruto media, including the four feature films in the series, all of the original video animations, and several video games.

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